Sharing the Love...Christ to You...

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I Go . . . for U

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The Gathering Place . . .

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Mission to the kids . . . 

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Our mission starts here . . . 

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Mission to the Youth . . . Tomorrow's Leaders . . .

Ife Global Outreach (iGO) was established to partner with Churches, Pastors and Christian Organizations who minister to the needs of marginalized communities. Our primary focus now is to share the Love of Christ by providing humanitarian assistance to pastors, churches and organizations who are on the frontline in ministry in Africa.

Ife (pronounced: "E-fea" - as in "feather") is a Yoruba word from Nigeria. It is the shortened form for "Ifeoluwa" which means the Love of God. The vision of iGO is to fulfill the great commission (Matthew 28: 19-20), starting with Africa and reaching every continent with the Love of God through humanitarian aid. We want pastors and frontline ministers not to be worried about what to eat or how to feed and provide the basic needs of life for their families. We want the communities that they serve to know that God is able to provide for their basic needs: spiritual, physical and material.  

iGO is a Christian non-denominational non-profit organization, registered with the IRS under section 501(c)(3). All donations are tax deductible. Donations are used to help all who are in need regardless of their faith or belief. It is our hope that sharing the Love of Christ through giving will open doors for the reception of the true gospel. 

If a brother or a sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled", without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?
[James 2:15-16]

Will you join us in this mission? Find out how you can help. Email us today at:  

Give Today

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and the Lord will repay him for his deed.
[Proverbs 19:17 ESV]

To Donate using Zelle, please use our email :  

Please click the link below to download pdf instructions on automatic monthly donations:

Instructions to Setup Automatic Monthly Donation

Thank you for your generous gifts. While we endeavor to use the funds given as you suggest, in the event the project you suggested is overfunded, your gift will be applied to another project.